Rat News

Rats Roam the Streets!

Breaking news! Rats from a local pet shop roam the streets of the local area! They somehow stacked on top of one another to let one escape. That one rat then unlatched the cage then all of them went rougue! They are now headed for the giant cheese factory 5 miles away from the pet shop. One rat seems to be the leader of the pack, here are a few words from them, Squeak squeak! Squeak squeak squeak!! Hiss!

Are we Safe?

As the rats take off for the cheese factory, one may ask, are we safe? These are just measly rats right? Wrong! We, as a society, are in danger! These rats don't carry any diseases or anything however, they are trying to take our cites supply of cheese away from us! What are we going to do without our precious cheese?

Who's going to think about the children? Who is going to think about the Italians? Whats going to happen to our cheese and wine combos? We need to get these rats captured as soon as possible!

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