Dean Herbert
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the developer of Osu!: Dean Herbert
Dean Herbert
Dean Herbert is the creator of the popular rhythm game Osu!. He currently lives in Japan. He was actually born in Austrailia, but moved to Japan in the later years of his life. In Japan, he grew the popularity of his rhythm game. He had a passion for programming and this helped him design his own rhythm game.

Herbert took inspiration for Osu! from many different types of rhythm games. The first rhythm game that inspired the basic Osu! playing mode was Elite Beat Angents. This was a game in 2006 that was on the Nintendo DS. He later took inspiration from games like Taiko no Tatsujin and Beatmania IIDX. He incorperated ideas from these games and turned them into gamemodes in Osu!. These speficic games inspired the gamemodes "Osu!Mania" and "Osu!Taiko".

Herbert's rhythm game was released in September of 2007. Osu! became a succcessful game on Microsoft Windows. Many people play it today, including Dean Herbert even 13 years after its initial release. Herbert's online name is "peppy". It's always written with a lowercase p. After being released on Microseft Windows, Osu! was later released on different ports like iOS, Android, Linux, etc.